
Call for papers

DIR 2025 aims to provide a unique opportunity for scientists, users, equipment suppliers and more broadly all academic and industrial stakeholders to share their recent progress and to reinforce the links with an international community.

The organizing committee cordially invites all participants to propose contributions to DIR 2025, by November 30th, 2024. The abstract submissions should be done online, through the conference website.



Deadline: 30 November 2024

Submission Guidelines

  • All abstracts should be submitted through the event website ( respecting the previously mentioned deadline.
  • All contributions have to be prepared in English, translation services from/into other languages cannot be provided by the organizing committee.
  • Abstracts must include a title and the affiliations of the authors and should be a summary of maximum 2 pages:
    • 1000-1500 words, explaining the content, objectives, methods and conclusions of the contribution.
    • 2 illustrations
    • 5 bibliography references

See Template


  • Authors are allowed to register more than one paper.
  • Once submitted, author will receive notifications from the programme committee about the follow-up of the evaluation of its abstract.

All abstracts will be reviewed by the scientific committee.

Authors will be informed about the acceptance of their contributions in February 2025. Presenting authors with accepted contributions, should register via the online form and pay the registration fee prior to the event in order to validate the final program.



Scientific and industry oriented talks will provide insight into the latest instrument technology, recent methods and algorithmic developments through a broad range of topics, such as:

  • Hardware related developments
  • Advances on X-ray sources and detectors
  • Robotized inspection
  • Automated inspection and monitoring, industry 4.0 & NDE 4.0
  • Film and radioactive sources replacement
  • Modeling and simulation
  • Progress on modeling and simulation tools
  • Quantum computing for modeling radiation interactions
  • Image processing and data analysis
  • Automated inspection and monitoring
  • AI techniques applied to DR and CT
  • Defect detection & localization
  • Quantitative imaging
  • Data visualization, visual analysis and visual computing
  • Standardization
  • Updates on standards
  • Qualification & system reliability
  • Dimensional measurements and product conformity
  • Characterization and cross-domain topics
  • Characterization of composite materials
  • Inspection for additive manufacturing
  • Multi-method and data fusion approaches (including other radiation techniques)
  • Applications in micro- and nano-technologies
  • Other NDT methods using ionizing sources
  • Phase contrast and dark field imaging
  • Neutron imaging
  • Spectral imaging


  • Call for papers: April 25th, 2024
  • Deadline for abstract submission: November 30th, 2024
  • Abstracts selection: January 2025
  • Final program: February 2025
  • Registration and payment of presenting authors: until june 30th, 2025
  • Deadline for full papers: May 15th, 2025


  • Early bird rate : until April 30th, 2025
  • Full rate : Starting with May 1st, 2025

Call for papers

All selected contributions at DIR 2025, will be published on (partner organisation), Open Access Archive of Nondestructive Testing ISSN 1435-4934 (



Deadline: 30 November 2024

Submission Guidelines

  • All abstracts should be submitted through the event website ( respecting the previously mentioned deadline.
  • All contributions have to be prepared in English, translation services from/into other languages cannot be provided by the organizing committee.
  • Authors are allowed to register more than one paper.
  • Abstracts must include a title and the affiliations of the authors and should be a summary of maximum 2 pages:
    • 1000-1500 words, explaining the content, objectives, methods and conclusions of the contribution.
    • 2 illustrations
    • 5 bibliography references

See Template


All abstracts will be reviewed by the scientific committee.

Authors will be informed about the acceptance of their contributions in February 2025. Presenting authors with accepted contributions, should register via the online form and pay the registration fee prior to the event in order to validate the final program.


All presented papers at DIR 2025, will be published on our partner’s website, Open Access Archive of Nondestructive Testing ISSN 1435-4934 (

The full paper, formatted according to the template, must be received by COFREND as an electronic file by 15 May 2025. The proceedings will be available at the conference.

See proceeding template


Official Language
The official language for the technical program, poster session and other events is English.


Scientific Committee

  • Marius Costin (CEA List), Chairman of DIR 2025, France
  • Adrien Stolidi (CEA List), France
  • Stefan Kasperl, EZRT, Germany
  • Uwe Zscherpel, BAM, Germany
  • Sébastien Brzuchacz, Cetim France
  • Simone Carmignato, University of Padova, Italy
  • Wim Dewulf, KU Leuven, Belgium
  • Nicolas Estre, CEA IRESNE, France
  • Uwe Ewert, Kowotest, Germany
  • Christoph Heinzl, University of Passau, Germany


  • Frank Herold, Visiconsult, Germany
  • Frédéric Jenson, Safran Tech, France
  • Valérie Kaftandjian, INSA Lyon, France
  • Johann Kastner, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Austria
  • Alessandro Olivo, University College London, United Kingdom
  • Andreas Schumm, EDF, France
  • Jan Sijbers, University of Antwerp, Belgium
  • Ion Tiseanu, National Institute for Lasers, Plasma and Radiation Physics, Romania
  • Norman Uhlmann, Fraunhofer EZRT, Germany